With our in-house flash point measurement, in accordance with ISO 2719-A, we measure the flash point of your liquids to determine correct classification of flammability. If your product is flammable, it imposes certain obligations regarding labelling and transport.

With our in-house test method, we test your product to determine whether the mechanical strength is sufficient, so that it will not break, crack, or leak when mechanical force is applied to it. Testing includes; Tension test, Drop test, Impact test, and Compression test, in accordance with ISO EN 71-1:2014+A1:2018. We are accredited according to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 to conduct this.

With our in-house test method, we test your product to prove that it provides a physical barrier, restricting access to the liquid by children. We assess your product to determine if it is appealing to children. We are accredited according to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 to conduct this.

With our in-house test method for filling volume we test your products to determine the filling volume as the extractable volume by gravimetric measurements.

Using external laboratory services, we make sure that the results are obtained using the latest relevant standards (AFNOR XP D90-300-3, ISO 27068 etc.).

Using external laboratory services, we make sure that the results are obtained using the latest relevant standards (AFNOR XP D90-300-3, ISO 27068 etc.).
We offer, from our in-house laboratory, to conduct laboratory testing of your products, required according to the European Regulation on Chemicals (CLP) and the Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) covering e-cigarettes. In order to offer a one-stop solution, we make use of external laboratories for any required analytical test not yet implemented in-house.
Our in-house laboratory is accredited by DANAK, accreditation no. 606, and complies with the criteria in ISO/IEC 17025:2017, ‘General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories’. When we arrange external testing on behalf of our customers, we only use selected analytical laboratories that meet specific criteria, and which are well established and experienced in analytical testing of electronic cigarettes.
From our involvement in expert groups and standardization work under the European Committee for Standardization on ‘Electronic cigarettes and e-liquids’ (CEN/TC 437), and from our ongoing close cooperation with European regulatory authorities, we ensure that the test methods reflect and outline current best industry practice.
We care about regulatory compliance, and we care about helping you to provide products of high quality to your customers.