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Flash point testing per product in accordance with ISO 2719-A$ 190
Safety data sheets per product in one language in accordance with the European REACH Regulation$ 110
Safety data sheet in one additional language of the same product as above$ 10
Toxicological evaluation of ingredients added to the liquid (per substance / CAS number)$ 15
Generation of Unique Formula Identifier (UFI#) per product and notification to EU Poison Centers$ 85
Emission testing including constant nicotine dose per product$ 1,490
Emission testing per product$ 715
Child safety testing per product$ 750
Extractable volume testing per product$ 145
TPD notification in EU-CEG per product$ 150
Required CLP / TPD labelling information per product$ 90
C&L inventory notification (per CAS number)$ 10
REACH registration (per hourly consulting charge)$ 200
PIC notification (per hourly consulting charge)$ 200
Annual reporting (per hourly consulting charge)$ 200

NOTE: Certain regulatory agencies levy fees to cover their costs, which is not included in the listed price.

The listed prices are estimates per one product. Our services take many forms, depending on the needs of the customer. Please contact us for quantity discounts and a quoted competitive price covering your specific needs.